Port Charlotte Holidays covid-19 protocols
We're Good to Go! Port Charlotte Holidays receive Visit Scotland accreditation recognising that we are following government and industry COVID-19 guidelines with processes in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social/physical distancing.

We're good to go!
Our self-catering accommodation re-opens on Wednesday 15 July 2020. The health and well-being of our guests, staff and fragile island community are uppermost in our minds. We have therefore taken time to ensure that processes are in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social/physical distancing. As part of our preparations to re-open, we have been accredited with Visit Scotland's 'Good to Go' certificate which recognises that our business is following government and industry COVID-19 guidelines.
We have a new set of protocols in place which build on our long-established rigorous cleaning standards and commitment to providing guests with high quality accommodation. In line with government guidelines, there are also a few changes in how we interact with our guests to adhere to social distancing.
Listed below are a few of the protocols - please get in touch if you would like full details.
Your arrival
We'll keep in touch with you by email before you arrive to let you know the check-in arrangements and to give you information about the property eg. how the heating works etc.
Alison, our Port Charlotte based manager, can be contacted by phone to provide advice during your stay.
Social distancing
Guests will be requested to adhere to social distancing guidelines at the relevant time.
Cleaning protocols
Our properties will be deep cleaned between guest arrivals with particular focus on high-touch surfaces. Our team will wear appropriate protective clothing to clean then disinfect the property.
At the end of your stay
Guests shall be requested to remove bedding - including pillow protectors and mattress protectors - and towels and to place these in bags which we will provide (duly sanitised).
Guests becoming ill
If a guest feels unwell with COVID-19 symptoms during your stay, we have procedures in place to assist you. In the first instance, self-isolate in the property then contact us to confirm the next steps to be taken in conjunction with NHS Scotland.

Travelling with baby?
We have stacks of baby equipment you can use - so you can travel light(er)!
Read more in our Blog>

Special occasions
Celebrating with a larger group - consider renting two or more properties.
Read more in our Blog>